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Daily Fantasy Football Glossary of Terms

In recent years the growth of daily fantasy sports in the USA has resulted in the emergence of specific terminology that is being used by people within the industry on a frequent basis to describe events. A new language has been born and it is being used not only by sports commentators but also on podcasts, in forum discussion groups, on social media and in everyday bar-room banter by friends and colleagues. Hopefully this glossary will be of great benefit to players who are new to the daily fantasy football scene, helping them to familiarise themselves with some of the jargon being used. Each term listed below has its own descriptive definition:








Cash Game














Dollar per point
























Late Swap



Line-up Lock















Positive Expected Value










Salary Cap 



























Value Pick





refers to how much money you have on the line or how many contests you have entered at a particular site


the amount of available money that you have


typically head to head contests or 50-50 fantasy soccer games where you will double your money if successful


the maximum you can expect to achieve from a fantasy football player or line-up


refers to obvious picks that many players will have in their line-up, a ‘chalky’ player has a high ownership percentage


opting for a contrarian line-up means going against the crowd and picking player(s) who won't be highly utilised


acronym for Daily Fantasy Sports, DFF is also being used to describe Daily Fantasy Football or DFS Soccer


a projection that indicates how much a fantasy soccer player is worth per point


the process of selecting your squad/line-up within the specified budget


indicates how much you have invested in one player across multiple line-ups


avoiding heavily owned players or those who you think represent poor value


somebody who is portrayed as being a 'poor' fantasy sports player, may also be referred to as a donk (a donkey)


a selection that can fill one of a number of playing position options, sometimes called utility player


the opposite of ceiling, the minimum you can expect from a player or line-up


contests that can be played for free (no buy-in)


a Guaranteed Prize Pool, a daily fantasy football tournament where the prize money is guaranteed regardless of total entries


somebody who generally sticks to cash games and grinds out a living over time


another term commonly used to indicate the amount of rake/commission that is applicable to a contest


the option to make changes to selections who will play in later fixtures within a contest after the event has started


the cut-off time by which line-ups can no longer be edited


a player who is unlikely to be a popular choice with other managers


tournaments where you are permitted to enter more than one line-up


is a contest type that pays winners x times their entry fee, typically from 3x to 10x


another ownership reference, the percentage a player is used by teams in a given contest


a situation that occurs in GPP contests when there are insufficient entries resulting in the operator having to cover the deficit


when you decide to change a player in your line-up for one reason or another


a situation where a positive return on investment is expected, could refer to player points or overall profit


taking a chance on a player for little expenditure


the commission a site charges when you enter a contest, typically 10% of buy-in cost


return on investment, your profit margin


another common word used to describe your finalised selections


the allocated budget from which to must select your line-up


a contest where the prize is a seat (paid entry) into a bigger tournament, also referred to as a qualifier


a pro, a highly-skilled daily fantasy sports player who feeds on 'fish'


tournaments where you are permitted to enter only one line-up


set of upcoming fixtures for a game round in a contest


a player who may be under-valued due to time out for injuries and so on


selecting players from the same team


a term used to describe the closing stages of a contest when you are close to being in the money and are 'sweating it out'


a paid entrance into a tournament


a player who goes on 'tilt' lacks discipline and often makes poor bankroll choices


submitting the same line-up multiple times in the same contest


a turbo game tends to only include players from teams that are playing in early games


when a player is referred to as having upside it means he has great potential for one reason or another


a cheaper valued player that meets or exceeds his projected points total


game variance is just an indication of how you your results differ from your expectations


a 'whale' is simply a high-volume player who appears to have an unlimited bankroll

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